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definition of Longitude &Latitude || what is Longitude &Latitude


 What is  Longitude  &Latitude

Latitude definition:

what is  Longitude  &Latitude  find how it definde

 The latitude of an angle is the angle at which the straight line drawn from the point of the earth's surface to the center of the earth forms an angle with the equator along the equator of the earth.The maximum value of latitude is 90 ° and the minimum value is 0 ° For example, the latitude of Calcutta is 2234 N, so to speak, Kolkata is to the north along the equator.

The element of latitude

(1) North latitude: The latitude of the lower latitude located north of the equator or in the northern hemisphere.

(2) South latitude: At the corner south of the equator. 0 ° -90 ° south latitude.

Definition of Parallels of Latitude:

 The parallel imaginary lines that are found parallel to each other extending from east to west in the equatorial equation are called axis lines. Each axis connects places with the same latitude (even-axis), their nickname is the equator.

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Axis properties: (Axis properties :)

1. Expansion: These surround the earth east-west.

2. Circular: Axial lines are circular imaginary lines and the sum of angles is 360.

3. Uneven length: Circumference is not equal. The polar direction decreases from the equator. Largest at the equator and zero at the two poles.

4. Parallel: The axes are parallel to the equator. So the distance between them is always equal. 5. Number and value: 1: Interval 189 axes have been imagined. The maximum value of the axis is 69 and the minimum value is 0.

. Epicenters: 

Their epicenters are at the poles of the earth. So they are small circles. Only the center point of the equator is at the center of the earth. Tainirakshrekha is the great circle. Axes other than the equator have smaller radii than the Earth.The distance between the axes is the circumference of the earth 40065 km. Again, the sum of the angles of each full circle axis is 360. So the linear distance between the 1 ° axis is 40075 + 360 = 111.32 km or about 111 km or 69 miles.

Axis importance and usage: (Axis importance and usage :)

 (1) Location Determination: It is possible to find out how far north or south of the equator it is located in the corner of the earth. The equator divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres.

(2) Concept about climate: As the angle of inclination of sunlight north and south of the equator decreases, the temperature decreases. The length of day and night decreases. So with the help of axis one can know about the climatic nature of the region.

(3) Boundary demarcation: The axis determines the political boundaries of a country or state. For example, the 48 ° north axis marks the border between Canada and the United States, and the 10 ° north axis marks the border between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

4) Atmospheric direction: Axis divides the earth into three tropics. 1. Umandal (0 ° 623 / U.D.), 2. Natishitaeumandal (23 / U./D.7 / U./D.), 3. Glacier

 Latitude determination: (Latitude determination :)

 The latitude of the corner space is determined from the surface in three ways.

A) Determining latitude with the help of polar stars: At night, the mera stars in the northern hemisphere, the polar stars, and the polar stars in the southern hemisphere, Hadley's octane, are improved. The latitude of the space is the degree at which the polar star can be seen in the space.

(B) Determining latitude with the help of sun: During the day, Transit Theodalite, with the help of Sextant instrument, measures the angle of improvement of the midday sun and calculates the formula by which the latitude of space is found. Latitude = (90 ° -the angle of improvement of the sun on a given day in that place) বিষ equinox of that day. The equator is perpendicular to the latitude of the man point of the galaxy in which the Sun is located, and the equator is perpendicularly biased if the Sun is in the opposite galaxy. The equator is zero when it is in the solar system.

(C) Modern GPS. Methods: At present, 24 artificial satellites sent by the United States can determine the latitude and longitude of any part of the earth's surface, and it is very easy, in a short time, to determine the exact location.


 Definition of longitude :)

The angle at which the straight line drawn from the point of place to the center of the earth at the corner of the earth's surface along the equatorial surface of the earth with the original meridian is called the longitude of that place. For example, the longitude of Calcutta is 6 ° 3 east, so Calcutta makes an angle of 7 ° 33 east of the main meridian along the equatorial plane.

 Meridians of Longitude:

North-efficient from the Arctic to the Antarctic of the Earth by adding * English equivalent longitudes on both sides of the main meridian.

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